
Property Risk Audits




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Property owners and managers are confronted with the need to meet a broad range of legislation, risk management and compliance requirements. This can include the additional challenge of navigating through various state-based requirements for portfolios operating across state borders. 

Greencap has been providing property risk audit and compliance services for over 30 years and is equipped with a range of innovative tools and tailored programs to add value across a portfolio and provide practical solutions to mitigate risk. The dedicated team of multi-disciplinary experts across all states and territories of Australia and New Zealand enables the provision of targeted and specific advice to clients in this area. 

Greencap will work with you to develop a tailored audit tool and approach to ensure we achieve appropriate client outcomes and can add value across the property or portfolio. Greencap provide a free desktop audit tool for property owners or managers to get a snapshot of their compliance, with further details below on the typical areas we would cover as part of this independent assessment.


Asbestos and Hazardous Materials

Exposure to asbestos can potentially be fatal.

  • Does the site have a register and management plan?
  • Is labelling of potential or confirmed asbestos materials available?
  • Is there a plan to manage potential disturbance during refurbishment and/or demolition works?

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Hazardous Chemicals

Most properties will utilise and store a range of chemicals, which if not stored and handled correctly can result in a potential environmental/contamination issue or potential personal injury due to exposure.

  • Is a register of chemicals available and are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) readily available?
  • Is storage of chemicals appropriate (spill containment, incompatible chemicals segregated)?


Cooling Towers/Warm Water Systems

Whilst cases of legionella exposure have reduced over the years there still over 100 reported cases across Australia each year.

  • Is a Risk Management Plan available?
  • Are testing and inspection/maintenance services completed in line with agreed frequencies and have any issues been identified during recent services?
  • Is safe access available to the tower for maintenance purposes?

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Working at Heights

Heights are another hazard that has the potential to end in a fatality if not appropriately managed.

  • Have potential hazards/risks been identified and are appropriate control measures available?
  • Has relevant equipment been appropriately tested/maintained?
  • Are emergency rescue plans available for works involving fall arrest?


Contractor Management

Just because you have engaged an expert to undertake a job/task doesn’t mean you are totally absolved of your safety duties.

  • How are contractors pre-qualified prior to works being completed?
  • Are they provided with an appropriate induction and does it cover appropriate requirements?
  • How are ongoing contractor monitoring programs implemented and tracked?

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Confined Spaces

Whilst rarely entered the consequences if not managed appropriately can be fatal.

  • Have potential confined spaces been identified and risk assessed?
  • Are appropriate control measures available if an entry needs to occur such as a permit to work system?

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Fire Safety/Emergency Management

Fire systems/essential safety measures are required to be inspected and maintained regularly, as is training for occupants in the event of an emergency.

  • Are appropriate systems in place to protect the building and occupants in the event of a fire or other emergency?
  • Are appropriate plans in place and are workers aware of these requirements?

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Fact Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a property risk audit?

A property risk audit is a proactive assessment of a sites level of risk for nominated Work/Occupational Health and Safety (WHS/OHS) criteria. A property risk assessment allows property owners and property managers to demonstrate due diligence in regard to property risk management and be proactive in the managed of risks across their property. A property risk audit comprises three stages; a review of documentation, a site walkthrough and provision of a Property Risk Audit Report.


Why are property risk audits important?

Property risk audits allow property owners and property managers to proactively identify and manage hazards and risks at their sites. A property risk audit provides a point in time snapshot of the level of risk for nominated Health and Safety criteria and provide the property manager with an action plan to eliminate or mitigate risks across their property.


What are the benefits of a property risk audit?

A property risk audit will provide a property owner or property manager with a high level risk profile for their site and identify practical recommendations or actions to meet current legislative requirements and industry best practice. The recommendation provided within a property risk audit should be practical and assist with controlling and managing identified risks and hazards.


When should I request a property risk audit?

A property risk audit can be requested at predetermined frequencies (6-monthly, annually, bi-annually), after the acquisition of a new site or whenever a review of risk is required for your site.


What makes our approach to property risk audits different to our competitors?

Greencap provide a thorough assessment of sites risk profile through discussions with relevant site personnel, review of existing documentation and site walkthrough to visually identify potential Health and Safety hazards at a property. Greencap develop comprehensive reports which highlight key findings and recommendations to achieve compliance or control identified risks. Greencap involvement in a building property risk management doesn’t stop at the provision of the report with the property risk team available to provide further clarification and advice to ensure that and effective control measure is implemented for the building.


Greencap acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.  We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.