
Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Training

Greencap is the training partner of the NSW Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) supporting eLearning for the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.

Greencap is hosting the following e-learning modules. Follow the links to relevant information and registration forms:


Greencap Training Australia Rating Reviews

Overall Rating for Muddy Boots training from over 1,000 trainee feedback forms


The NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme

Introduced in 2016, the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 aims to deliver ecologically sustainable development in New South Wales and address the loss of biodiversity via a biodiversity offsets scheme and private land conservation agreements.

The BOS aims to provide for ecologically sustainable development, improving biodiversity, and utilising the best available science and data to deliver a modern approach for land management and biodiversity conservation in NSW.


How does the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme work?

The Scheme allows for biodiversity offsets to be measured in terms of credits, using the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) - a scientific method that assesses biodiversity and calculates losses and gains at development and stewardship sites. Formal assessments under the Scheme can only be conducted by persons accredited as assessors under section 6.10 of the BC Act. Accredited assessors will carry out all BAM assessments and preparation of biodiversity assessment reports.

For detailed information about the Biodiversity Offset Scheme please refer to the Departments webpages


Training for people wanting to become Accredited Assessors

The Department of Planning and Environment has established arrangements for accreditation of people to apply the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM). 

To be considered for accreditation by DPE as an accredited assessor, you will need to undertake an application process which includes completing all parts of the accredited assessor training program and demonstrate competency. This includes Part 1 (eLearning, hosted by Greencap) and Part 2 (Face-to-face training, presented by DPE). 


Accredited Assessor eLearning Training Modules (Part 1)

Demonstrating competency in the Accredited Assessor e-learning training is only one part of the accreditation process, which is managed by DPE.

The assessor accreditation process also includes the face-to-face training and an application with defined work experience and technical experience requirements. For more information on becoming an Accredited Assessor, see this page. Greencap is unable to advise on accreditation as we are the training partner. 

There are 12 modules in this course. It is recommended that you allow approximately 1 hour per module to complete.



Biodiversity Offsets Scheme - Online Learning

Accredited Assessor Course Part 1

(eLearning modules only)


$536 per participant (excluding GST)*


To enrol in the Accredited Assessor eLearning Modules, please click here. 

Note: You will also need to complete the Part 2 - Face-to-face training component which is managed directly by DPE. For Part 2 information and enrolments, please use this link

 For Part 2 training queries, please contact [email protected]

Accredited Assessor Renewal Training 

The accredited assessor renewal training course also consists of two parts. 

  1. Part 1 - 6-part self-paced eLearning Modules hosted by Greencap followed by 
  2. Part 2 -Two days of face-to-face training presented by DPE.

Participants must currently be an Accredited Assessor to attend Assessor Renewal Training. 

If you have any queries relating to the Part 1 eLearning component, please contact [email protected]

To enrol in the Accredited Assessor Renewal training eLearning Modules, please click here




Renewal Refresher Training (eLearning component only)

$536 per participant (excluding GST)*

Local Government Training

Local Government Training is designed to help council staff to understand the fundamental concepts of the:

  • Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
  • Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
  • Biodiversity Assessment Method
  • Assessor accreditation and,
  • Councils’ role in the Scheme.

The course includes 12 eLearning modules  completed at a self-directed pace (total approximately six hours). Competency is not assessed however trainees will receive a certificate of completion. 



Target Audience 

This course was designed for council staff who have a role in reviewing or determining development applications or vegetation clearing (council planners and their managers). 

Council staff who have a role in referring or directing development and vegetation clearing enquiries may also benefit from the eLearning (council customer service staff, building surveyors/certifiers and their managers).

DPE offers sponsorship for eligible local government staff to enrol in the Local Government Training eLearning modules. If you are interested, submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a sponsored enrolment. 

You can download the EOI form here and follow the steps to submit an application.

Certificate of Completion 

  • Competency is not assessed 
  • Optional multiple-choice quizzes are included to cement key messages
  • There is no limit to the number of attempts, and marks are not recorded 
  • Upon completion of all modules and quizzes you will automatically receive a Certificate of completion. 

To enrol in the Local Government Training, please either complete the Expression of Interest for sponsorship (Local government staff only) or contact our team at  [email protected]


Course Outline 

Module Title  Summary of Contents
Introductory Module (Module 0)  Introduction to training and instructions for navigating the eLearning environment. 
Module 1: Introduction to the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and legislative framework Overview of the legislative framework for the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme and relationship with Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Module 2: Overview of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) Introduction to the BOS including: 
•    types of impacts captured 
•    when the BOS applies
•    council’s role
•    the avoid, minimise and offset hierarchy
•    how it relates to private land conservation
•    key definitions and terms. 
Module 3: Introduction to Biodiversity credits and offset obligations Explanation of the following concepts and topics: 
•    biodiversity credits and offset obligations
•    influences on the number and type of biodiversity credits 
•    trading biodiversity credits and offset rules
•    the Biodiversity Conservation Fund
•    conditions of consent and meeting an offset obligation. 
Module 4: Determining whether the BOS applies  Explanation of the criteria that determine when the BOS applies to common planning and approval pathways, and the role of assessors and decision-makers when the BOS applies.
Module 5: Exemptions and other considerations  Exemptions and other considerations when determining how the BOS applies, including:
•    BV Map exemptions
•    Bushfire exemptions
•    Biodiversity certification
•    Cl34A certification
•    Category 1 – exempt land
•    Biodiversity Conservation Licences
•    Offsetting under other legislation. 
Module 6: Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) overview Overview of the purpose, use and three stages of the BAM including:
•    Stage 1: Biodiversity assessment
•    Stage 2: Impact assessment
•    Stage 3: Improving biodiversity values
•    Streamlined assessment modules
Module 7: Biodiversity Assessment Reports Outline of the content and certification required for Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDARs), provisions for modification and withdrawal.
Module 8: Assessors and compliance Overview of BAM accreditation and the quality assurance framework for assessors including complaints and feedback.
Module 9: Overview of Biodiversity Certification Framework Overview of Biodiversity Certification including:
•    eligibility, effects, benefits, conferral and duration
•    differences between standard and strategic
•    conservation measures to meet offset obligations.
Module 10: Introduction to Private Land Conservation Overview of the three types of private land conservation agreements and an introduction to Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements (BSAs) including:
•    the role of the Biodiversity Conservation Trust 
•    considerations and eligibility for entering into a BSA. 
Module 11: Introduction to systems and tools supporting the BOS Overview of the systems and tools that a local government decision-maker needs to be aware of including:
•    BioNet Atlas and BioNet Vegetation Classification
•    Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool (BMAT)
•    Biodiversity Offset and Agreement Management System (BOAMS)
•    BAM Calculator (BAM-C)
•    Important Habitat Maps. 
Module 12: Closing module and next steps
•    A review of the eLearning modules completed.
•    Resources for additional information on the BOS and BAM
•    Participant feedback
•    Outline of two additional training workshop options


Following completion of the eLearning, council staff are eligible to attend two workshops run by the DPE. The workshops have been developed to provide interactive training, enabling council staff to apply their learning. 

Workshop 1 – How to review a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR)

Learn best practice for reviewing a BDAR prepared by an accredited assessor in accordance with the Biodiversity Assessment Method. Apply learning to sample BDARs to gain experience and build confidence. The workshop provides ample opportunity for questions and discussion.  This workshop is ideal for staff that review BDARs as part of their role.

Workshop 2 – Biodiversity assessment and approval pathways 

Learn how to determine the correct assessment and approval pathway for development or vegetation clearing and whether the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme applies. You will also learn what it means for the proponent and council. Apply learning to case studies to gain experience and build confidence.

Please note: The local government workshops are expected to run from May 2024. Dates and locations will be provided here once finalised. If you intend to participate in the LG training workshops, please register your interest here


Training for Public (eLearning)

Online training (eLearning) is available to the public on the fundamentals of the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme including Biodiversity Conversation Act 2016, the Biodiversity Assessment Method and assessor accreditation. 

12 e-learning modules can be completed be completed at a self-directed pace (total approximately six hours). 

You can pick and choose between the modules that interest you or decide to complete them all. 

The course is a great way to learn about the scheme in your own time and at your own pace. 

Certificate of Completion 

  • Competency is not assessed
  • Optional multiple-choice quizzes are included to cement key points of eLearning 
  • There is no limit to the number of attempts, and marks are not recorded 
  • Upon completion of all modules and quizzes you will automatically receive a Certificate of Competency. 

To enrol in the Public Training, please contact our team at [email protected]



Public training on the BOS (eLearning)

$536 per participant (excluding GST)*


Greencap acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.  We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.